Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto's: Everything I wish I knew right away
I'm going to give you a list of everything I wish my doctor would've told me the second I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and...

How I picked my "shake"
In my search for the perfect "shake," I gotta tell you, I got really good at reading labels. I ended up trying 4 different shakes over...

Hashimoto's and Autoimmune
Wow, those are two words I never thought I'd write about, heck, I had no idea what either of those words even were 3 years ago! I also...

Iodine, the Goiter Belt, and your thyroid
NO iodine in the soil = NO iodine in the plants = NO iodine in the people consuming plants from that region The upper Midwest and Great...

Fueling your body
I’ve got a lot to cover, you've been warned. My goal is to educate! This blog is broken down into 2 sections: 1. Fueling your body: Not...

What is your purpose?
WARNING: Sappy post ahead!!! I saw this today and it hit me like a sack of potatoes! When I became a Beachbody Coach I had no idea what...

I HATE exercising
I feel ya! I HATED exercise, like dreaded it, and had to think about my pending workout all day in order to get myself in the right...

My reason and my WHY
I am going to be extremely blunt, straightforward, and write something I feel weird and even a little stupid typing, are you ready…...

My story...
This is going to be long but it’s the intro to my journey, what did you expect? Everyone who knows me knows my favorite thing to do is...